How to Tell When Your Septic Tank Needs Pumping

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From Waste to Resource: Recycling and Reusing Effluent in Domestic Wastewater Treatment Systems

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This blog post examines the concept of recycling and reusing effluent in domestic wastewater treatment systems, highlighting the potential to transform waste into a valuable resource. Traditional wastewater treatment systems focus on treating and disposing of effluent, but with advancements in technology and innovative approaches, the ability to harness its potential has emerged. Water conservation, reduced environmental impact and sustainable solutions are achieved when treated wastewater is recycled and reused. Read on to explore the benefits, methods and examples of recycling and reusing effluent in domestic wastewater treatment systems. Read More»

Why You Should Install A Fully Functional Septic System

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A septic system can be your best solution for many waste management issues at home. It helps avoid expensive sewage hookups and city water bills while still preventing the spread of disease.  These are benefits that many homeowners would be glad to have. Here’s a detailed outlook on how installing a septic system will make your life more comfortable. Reduced Risk of Water Contamination Septic systems use an underground chamber (septic tank) to treat wastewater before releasing it. Read More»

Septic System Services: The 5 Signs of a Faulty Septic Tank

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Talking about your septic system may seem unpleasant. But given that it plays such an important role in your life and that of your loved ones, it can be a topic too hot to ignore. And is it not unfortunate that many people seem clueless about their sewer system until things get out of hand?  Even if you are not an expert, you need to get some basics about your septic system right. Read More»

Top Trends in Domestic Wastewater Treatment Systems

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As the largest and driest inhabited continent globally, Australia had to deal with water challenges for quite some time. In fact, recent studies show that underground water sources in the country are declining at an alarming rate, threatening access to clean, safe water. It can be attributed to climate change, and Australians are taking matters into their own hands. Today, homeowners are installing wastewater treatment facilities in their homes to combat water shortage problems. Read More»

Septic Tank Maintenance: How to Avoid System Mishaps and Failures

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If you have built a septic tank for managing your domestic wastewater, you should plan for proper upkeep. Maintaining this critical system will prevent damage and accelerated wear of the components. Consequently, you will not need to spend money on repairs. Moreover, a well-maintained system will not cause common problems, such as bad odours and environmental contamination. Unfortunately, most homeowners are not familiar with the best practices for using this type of domestic wastewater treatment system. Read More»

Why Septic System Maintenance Is Critical for Environmental Safety

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Septic systems are genius ways of treating waste before it ends up in the environment. By using an enclosed system to break down organic/inorganic waste into less harmful components, your home/business is able to safely dispose of waste while protecting the environment. But what happens when your septic system is damaged or poorly maintained? A poorly maintained septic system doesn’t effectively treat wastewater. The result is harmful components being introduced into the environment and causing pollution. Read More»

Why A Septic Tank Is A Good Option For Your Home

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Septic tanks are unfortunately not often though of as an option for many of the millions of Australians who live in the cities along the coast. Instead, they are thought of as something more suited to rural areas that have less-sophisticated sewerage systems. However, this is definitely not the case as septic tanks have a lot of benefits that you do not get from your current sewerage system. In fact, a septic tank can save you money in the long run, as well as being very efficient and environmentally friendly. Read More»

How to Be a Good Corporate Citizen When It Comes to Your Water Use

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If you are in charge of a sizeable industrial facility, you will be constantly on the lookout for ways to streamline your operation and to make it more efficient. However, you will also be aware of your status as a major corporate citizen and will want to do your best for the environment from both a holistic perspective and from a promotional point of view. You may think you are taking the relevant steps when it comes to your utility use and have, in particular, cut down on your water intake a great deal. Read More»

Tips When Looking for a Septic Services Company

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A septic tank is one of the best domestic wastewater management systems. Most domestic septic tanks can stay for years without requiring any maintenance. However, the tank will need pumping to remove solid waste once it is full. Below are several telltale signs that your septic tank needs pumping. A foul smell emanates from the toilet or sinks. This is a sign that the tank may be full. Water pools around the drain field or the septic tank. Read More»

Steps to Take Before Having a Septic Tank Pumped

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If you are having issues with your septic tank, such as water backing up into the house, then you may schedule for it to be pumped. This is the logical step for many septic tank system owners. However, you may be rushing in without knowing exactly what is going on. Before you call for a pumping service, here are a few steps to take. These steps may save you costly repairs and pumping. Read More»